Month: January 2022
Why We Need You: What Cybersecurity Employers Look For

Why We Need You: What Cybersecurity Employers Look For

Creating career opportunities is not easy. We get that. And while my last post laid the groundwork for creating opportunities, there is more to the story. Anyone entering cybersecurity also needs to know what makes a ‘memorable, personal value proposition.’ In short,...

Don’t Wait For Opportunities—Create Them.

Don’t Wait For Opportunities—Create Them.

Let’s face it. Employers are not offering jobs out of the goodness of their hearts (apart from a few). With 21,010 open cybersecurity positions in North Carolina, and almost 600,000 nationally, the job market should be on the side of the applicant, but it is not. Look...

Incident Response as Triage: Why You Should Outsource

Incident Response as Triage: Why You Should Outsource

Before co-founding the Carolina Cyber Center, I ran an incident response team for one of the U.S. Olympic Committees (there are over 50). I walked in Saturday morning with my usual checklist and was met with a row of ashen faces—not usually a good sign. What made it...

When External Support is Warranted

When External Support is Warranted

We strongly believe cybersecurity measures should be reasonable and prudent and that small businesses can do a lot in-house. However, there are areas where your cybersecurity program (again, focusing on small and medium businesses, or SMBs) should likely consider...